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United Nations

United Nations

St. Lucianische Nationalhymne 1
Gone the times when nations battled for this 'Helen of the West, gone the days when strife and discord Dimmed her children's toil and rest ...
May the good Lord bless our island, guard her sons from woe and harm! May our people live united, strong in soul and strong in arm! Justice, Truth and Charity, our ideal for ever be! Übersetzung : (unbekannt) ...

Sierra Leonesische Nationalhymne 2
Originaltext: High we exalt thee, realm of the free; Great is the love we have for thee; Firmly united ever we stand, Singing thy praise, O native land ...
Knowledge and truth our forefathers spread, Mighty the nations whom they led; Mighty they made thee, so too may we Show forth the good that is ever in thee ...

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